Cassandra Anti-patterns
- Don't run Cassandra on a SAN.
- SANs were designed to solve problems C* doesn't have.
- Don't have commit log and data on the same disk.
- Commit log is sequential, data tends not to be.
- Careful with heap size.
- Usually no more than 16GB.
- Low file handle limit.
- Default tends to be 1024, but C* needs 32K-128K.
- You don't need a load-balancer.
- It's a SPOF (Single Point Of Failure), plus C* doesn't have master nodes and clients will load-balance themselves.
- Don't read or write to a single node.
- Don't let your ring get unbalanced.
- Watch the partitioner, and don't use ByteOrdered.
- Watch the batch insert size, it must fit in memory!
- Use a 64-bit JVM.
- Or else you cannot address BigData.
- Use the Sun JVM.
- Do not use Supercolumns.
- Use the Datastax Operations center.